Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, April 30, 2012

P.E.A.C.E ? ? ?

I need peace in ME.
Peace is going too far and leaving me behind lately.
Mr & Mrs Peace, please come back to me so I can do my works and live my life better.
You two are my long lost BFF.
I admit without two of you, I can't going anywhere :(
I am here,stuck with my problems,with my angers,with my childishness,with no maturity......
I can't move on and find a solution to all of things that come because you two are not here with me,anymore.. :(
Too many things bother me,not just people but also other issues.
I just want to settle them all and move on but I can't if I have no PEACE inside me.
That might lead me to do wrong solution for each and every single actions that I took in the future.
How can I get you back?
Yes,I will.
But,sometimes,as human, I always forgot to pray everyday.
I pray when I needed something from HIM.
That's my weakness as human being.
I have to fix everything before it's too late.
I will not change who I am.
Because I love who I am and the way I live my life.
It's just that I am walking in a wrong path so now all I have to do is fixing them so I can get back on track again.
I really need peace because after all the problems with people and works,it will all affecting my study progress.
I am here not to please people everyday and do others unnecessary works but to STUDY and GAIN KNOWLEDGE so one day I'll bring back a degree and makes my family and myself happy. :)
And now, I seek hard to find peace so no one hurts with my actions and I am happy with all works I do.

Carol :*

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Kesabaran Ada Hadnya

P/S: Don't read it if you don't want to hear my nonsense talk :P
Hari ini nak mengadu banyak benda yang berlaku di dalam hidup kebelakangan nie.
Korang nampak tajuk atas tu? KESABARAN.Nah,saya kasi bold and tekan caps lock trus tu tau.
Okay,hidup nie memangla tak 100% untuk memuaskan hati orang lain kan tapiiiiii kalau kita tak nie memang selfish tahap babun smpaikan semua benda nak buat ikut kepala sendiri jeee baik ko pegi hutan buat kingdom sorang2 kan??? Ha,tak perlula nak becampur dengan manusia lain kan.Kawan je dengan encik singa ke,encik beruang ke,miss tupai ke,haaaaa.Tengok tu aku memang dah merapu tahap cilakssss dah nie.
Memang lately nie bnyk sgt bnda yg menarik kesabaran lebih2 lagi nila dh bnyk kerja so sabar tu senang sangat nak hilang kan? Okay,my bad too laa sebab tak penyabar tapi yang si awak tu asyik nak membuatkan kesabaran saya sampai tahap kepala kenapa pulak ye? Entahla,maybe I am too tired doing soo many works yet you add much more problems to me with your @^%%^& attitude. I am so sorry sebab entri kali nie agak menyampah but I don't know where to complain instead of my own blog.Right? :)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Gossip Girl 2

Hello world! ^_^
Here I am again gossiping about Gossip Girl :P
Okay,post ni memang bukan untuk bergosip sebenarnya tapi untuk meluahkan segala rasa kecewa sedih geram frust dan banyak banyak banyak lagi yang sewaktu dengan dieorang2 tu la... !_!
Kenapa missnotsopopular ni sgt bersedih??
Nama pun dh missnotsopopular kan,sebab tu la memang takde org nak kisah pun apa nak jadi dgn saya nie kan. :P *emolapulakdah* :P
Cop cop cop!!!
Kita kembali lagi sebelum semakin tersasar yeee...
Saya ni sedih+kecewa+merana+sengsara sebab tak dapat tengok GG season 5 lagi haaaa T.T
Sangat tertekan bila bukak je twitter..
Orang nie update pasal GG dimana2.. Ok,tipu.. haha
Maksud saya, friends yang minat GG macam saya ni jugak la update tentang perkembangan GG tu.
And sayalah yang paling frust bila baca semua tweet dieorang. Huhuhuhu
Disebabkan kekangan masa dan kerja, sampai sekarang ni saya tak dapat nak tengok GG :(
Takpela, nanti boleh tengok jugak kan? *kesatairmata*
Untuk ubat rindu tengok je la gmbr family GG nie selalu... tsk tsk tsk !_!

Okla korang2 semua,thanks sebab teman saya bersedih. Hoho *kononlahkan*
Time for me to chow :p

Till then,

Carol ^_*

Siapakah Saya??????? :O

Hai hai hai ^_^
Missnotsopopular kini kembali!!
Yerrr,bunyi mcm artis la pulak kan? HAHA
Okay,kali nie kita nak bersusey hal ape ye? Oh,bersusey itu maksudnya bercerita la dalam bahasa Sarawak :P
Emm,bagi saya masa jap fikir nak merapu pasal ape........*5 minit 10 minit 1jam*
Hai,kembali lagi HAHA
Okayla,kali ini kita bercerita pasal PERSONALITI DIRI.
Wah,bagaikan lagak seorang kaunselor pulak kan saya nie. kihkihkihkih
Sebenarnya,hari Ahad lepas-22 April 2012,saya attend one program nie. Nama program tu "Peribadi Terpuji"
Nak tau why saya join aktiviti ceramah2 di hari minggu?? Jawapannya senang je,semua MERITPUNYAPASAL laa. Hahaha :P
Kalau tak kerana merit,memang takkan pergi program ceramah la di hari Ahad. :P
Kenapa nak sangat merit??? Ahhh,yang tu lain kali saya cerita :P
Back to the topic tadi. Personaliti? Apa itu personaliti? Penampilan dan gaya seseorang atau pun sikap seseorang? Terpulang la korang nak jawab apa pun sebab saya tak kisah langsung.Hahaha :p :p
Haritu,penceramah yang dtg ask us to fill satu borang ni tau.Borang mcm biasa korang tgkla,yang banyak sgt soalan tue smpai beratus2 tapi sebenarnya saya nak mengaku sikitla kat sini,saya memang suka sgt ujian personaliti diri nie.Hehehe *malu*
So bila diberi soalan tuh,saya pun menjawab la dgn bersungguh-sungguh haha kalah kesungguhan menjawab exam tau sebab dah suka sgt kan? :P
Resultnya,jeng jeng jeng....... ^_^

Nampak tak gambar tuh? Macam tak jelas pulak kan? Takpe,ni ha missnotsopopular dtg untuk menerangkan details gambar tu ngan korang >.<
Missnotsopopular's personality:
  • Agresif=30%
  • Analitikal=70%
  • Autonomi=40%
  • Bersandar=70%
  • Ekstrovert=40%
  • Intelektual=10%
  • Kepelbagaian=10%
  • Ketahanan=50%
  • Kritik-diri=80%
  • Mengawal=50%
  • Menolong=100%
  • Sokongan=50%
  • Struktur=80%
  • Pencapaian=80%
  • Kejujuran=1%
Ok,sekarang kita go through bersama personaliti missnotsopopular nie ye.
Kalau dari yang korang nampak la,KEJUJURAN tu 1% sebab saya nie sgt jujur masa jawab ujian personaliti diri ni. Haha. Yela,pakcik penceramah tu cakap sapa dapat below 50% then org tu jujur dlm menjawab soalan2 yg ditanya so saya ni kira antara yang paling jujur la kan masa jawab soalan2 die. Haha. :p
Diringkaskan tentang personaliti,saya seorang yang kurang agresif,agak analitikal maksudnya suka menganalisis benda la tak kira benda baik ke buruk haha :P. Emm,saya nie jugak seorang yang kuat bersandar kat org lain,maksudnya sgt memerlukan org untuk menyokong laa.Ekstrovert tu pulak maksud dia kurang nak bergaul so saya dapat kira rendah la sebab saya sederhana je dalam pergaulan.Hihi.Intelektual tu pulak org yg rajin mencari atau belajar benda baru mcm suka baca buku intelek laa dan kaji masalah2 baru and memang saya org yg sgt tak suka buat semua tu so saya dapat rendah,10% jee. Hahaha.Punya pemalas kan anak dara nie :P Kepelbagaian tu pulak maksud dia,kita nak hidup berubah2 ke atau sama jeee and saya seorang yang tak suka kan perubahan so boyfriend pun amin takkan bertukar. Haha xP Ketahanan sedang2 je tetapi kritik diri agak tinggi sebab saya nie memang suka kritik diri sendiri.Asal lepas buat something mesti akan rasa diri sgt rendah dan tak mampu !_! Tak tau nape,but that's me kan? Hmm. Proceed pulak pegi mengawal,saya dpt 50% je.Maksudnya,saya tak suka jadi ketua Hahaha :P Sebab kritik diri yang amat tinggi kot,tu la sentiasa rasa diri tak layak memimpin orang. Menolong pulak dapat 100%. Haha. Bukan nak kata saya nie suka tolong org sgt,tidak jugak la tapi kalau kawan yang perlukan pertolongan,I'll always do my best to help :) Tapi saya seorang yang tak perlukan pertolongan sgt sebab sokongan sederhana je. Saya bukan tak suka kawan2 tolong kalau saya ada masalah atau kesulitan tapi saya malu bila semua org memberi perhatian lebih kepada saya dan memberikan saya pertolongan. Itulah kan,kritik diri yang tinggi. Siapalah saya nie untuk diberikan perhatian oleh org lain. Haha :P Okla,saya dh penat nie. Struktur tu untuk kita nak semua benda teratur dan pasti manakala pencapaian pulak untuk apa keinginan kita untuk capai sesuatu. 
Fuhhhhhh habis jugak saya bercerita tentang personaliti diri kan? Hehe *clap3*
So,saya rasa ujian ini kadang2 boleh dipercayai tapi itu terpulang la sama ada individu itu menerima ujian seumpama ini atau tidak. Cuma saya nak sampaikan,kalau nak tahu apakah personaliti anda melalui kajian yang pakar buktikan,ambillah ujian personaliti di mana2 pusat kaunseling. :P Tau2 je saya promote pusat kaunseling kan? Hahahahaha 

Till then,
See you soon ^_^

Carol :) 

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Big Bang Theory ♥

Rainy day is just nice to date your bed :P
But ze weird me choose not to sleep but prefer facing my lappy to update my blog haha
Wanna know what's the topic for today class?? *Perasan teacher la nie kahkahkah
Okay,today this missnotSOpopular will teach or saying in other way leading you to WASTE YOUR PRECIOUS TIME for a movie or TV shows *evil laugh*
Lately, I had watch many TV shows and this is one of it-The Big Bang Theory ^_^
Frankly speaking,I don't like this TV shows at first but then when I started to watch it..Damn! Haha I can't even go to eat,loo or doing other things and just sitting in front of my hardworking laptop watching the weird funny scientist acting all day :P
Well now,let me introduce you (those who haven't watch TBBT) to the first four crazy scientist and one spoil grown up girl in this show. Haha
DR.Sheldon Cooper a.k.a The Most Genius and Crazy One
Okay, I admit that this crazy brat is the reason why I love Big Bang Theory so much. He is a great physicist and worst friend. :P
Haha. He is totally a 100% crazy person but he always said this,"I am not insane,my mother had me tested" Haha. He never fail to make me laugh from start till the end of show :P But,beware of his intelligent because among his friends he is the most genius one. How I wish I have his IQ so I can score easily in my exams.*daydreaming* LOL
Hygienic,systematic,childish,weird,funny and arrogant is Sheldon Cooper. Wanna know crazy stuff he do and nonsense quotes he create?? Go and watch The Big Bang Theory then :P

DR.Leonard Hofstadter a.k.a The "Real" Man and Most Common One
This is Leonard or Mr.Romeo in this show. He have the most numbers of girlfriends and always being dumped is his fate to be. Haha :P
He is an experimental scientise and forever-Sheldon-roomate.
He has a good heart and the reason for people to be friend with Sheldon. Sometimes,he is a desperate guy where he needs sex more than anything else.
But,deep inside of him, he is a nice and romantic guy where a woman would be happy to have him ^_^

DR.Raj Koothrappali a.k.a The Weird One
And here is the Indian guy,Raj. :) An aerospace scientist.
Weird guy because he can't talk to women.And not to forget-ONLY HOT WOMEN. So,I guess when he meets me,he can't talk to me too because I'm hot maaaa hahahaha :P
Easily falling in love or should I say very naive bout love thingy :P
Love America more than his own country,India.Haha XP
The most rich guy in The Big Bang Theory yet his personality doesn't show that at all. Humble and lovely is Raj Koothrapali :)

Mr.Howard Wolowitz a.k.a The-Not-Yet-DR-In-The-Gang
His dressing is as weird as his surname,Wolowitz. Haha. He is a Jewish and an engineer with a Master Degree like he always said. Haha. Always be the most "stupid" among the group just because he is not having the title "DR" yet. So,faster go and get one Howard. :P
Living with his mother,having a cute girlfriend,his life is actually better than the others. However,he is very annoying because in his mind is always bout the dirty things. Haha :P
Wanna see him being "bullied" by most people he met?? Again,go and watch Big Bang Theory :P

Penny a.k.a The Hot Gorgeous Sexy Waitress
Tadaaaaa!! Penny is her name. Nice and lovely person :) Treat people with love and care is her style but if you mess with her,the be careful because your life is in danger. Haha :P Having many boyfriends is just a usual case for a hot girl like her.
She is the one that can really bring the most intelligent Sheldon Cooper down with her stupidity and zero knowledge experience. Haha :P

So,now going further about the show. It is a scientific comedy show. You can both laughing till you cry and learning new scientific terms at the same time. I strongly recommend you people to watch this TV show because it is worth watching :D
Unravelling the mysteries~~~
That all started with BIG BANG ^_^

Till then, XOXO guys! 
Carol :*

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Friends.Is.My.Second.Family ^_^

What does it mean to you?
Does it mean bunch of people you met in your class everyday? Or people that surround you when you have something that they need? Or people that always be there for you either you are in trouble or you are in the most happy period of your life?
Well, different people have different opinion or definition. You answer that question in your heart. This is a question that you can't copy.:P
As for me,my answer is simple. My FRIENDS is my second family. They are always there for me-both most happy and most worst time in my life. Maybe not all my friends are like that but hey nobody is perfect right??
I am not good at making new friend but if that person trying to approach me first,I sure you that we will become a good friend later.:P Not saying that I am demanding for people to talk to me first but that's ME and friends accept any flaw of one another right?:)

Seeing backward of my life,I do have many friends. Actually,a lot of them :) And they are all awesome ^_^
Well, my life is just as beautiful as others too. I am having my own ups and downs.
The very first friend that I have is my childhood besties named Catherine. We're very closed.Like sisters. Almost same name. Mine is Caroline,she is Catherine. Same age. Same village. Same kindergarten. Same primary school. But,time changes people. Now,we don't even talk to each other. I bet she is kinda spoiled child when she enter high school. Yeah,it's not my job to judge but she is really wild and my mum forbidden me to be her friend any more.(T.T) Frankly speaking,I am very sad seeing her walking in a wrong path and wasting her precious life just like that but who am I to change her if she didn't want to change for better at the very first place.
The last thing I can do is praying so God will lead her back to the correct path and give her a great husband and family in the future. Amen :)
At school,I have few of friends and back then we love to be in a group. My group has all the most awesome people in the school laaa kunun. Hahaha.:P :P :P
We are Carol(me),Cecilia,Andrea,Lanie,Jani,Shirley and Sherry.And the others too.Can't remember all name :P Sorry guys,but I always thank God for giving me friends like all of you :)

At age 13,I went to one of boarding school in Kuching. You have no idea how I feel leaving home at a very young age. Yes,there are also other friend that have to leave home like me but maybe different people have different feeling about migrating to other place at a very young age.
However,it was a great place because at that school I meet many awesome and cool friends.
Nama pun dah boarding school kan,so friend is all I had that time :)
3 names that never fades from my memory: Christine Yong Su Fong,Jennielyn Jendy and Haszura Senghie.
They are my BFF during my high school. They help me a lot especially in study. They are all Kuching people so when they went home,I spent my weekend with my one besties too,Carol. We have same name. Same interest and yes we do many crazy stuff together back then. Both of us are naughty Carol. Haha.
Here,I got pictures of US together and I miss them soo much now.
From left:Christine,Jen,Me and Zura :)

From left:Carol N and Me :)
We are all gorgeous right?? Haha.
2009 approach then we have to go our own way. Me go to Unimas and I am the only one that still staying in Kuching for both my foundation and degree year. I am taking Engineering now. Christine and Carol both pursuing their degree at IPG. Christine is English teacher in the making while Carol is BM teacher :) Be a good teacher u guys! :) Zura is the most intelligent among us and she will be going to India one day and yeahh she is a doctor in the making. So proud of you darling Zura. Haha. Be successful doctor and give me free treatment in the future k? Hahaha. As for Jen, she is now at UniSZA,Terengganu pursuing Degree in Biotechnolgy. All the best dayung bajik! Well,there are many others friend that I had during SMSK years but these 4 are my life :)

Asasi Unimas was a short but marvellous year I have in my life. Here,I met many type of people and I do make new friends here too. They are Effa,Farah,Nani,Mizah,and many more. Can't write them all because they are too many. And here,I become more closer to one of my schoolmates during high school too,Azman. He is a cool and funny friend. He never fail to make me laugh. Haha. And not to forget,Peruz too.:)
They help me a lot to struggle for life at Unimas. Without them,I don't know whether I can survive till the end or not :') Thanks guys! You all are great ^_^

Last year at September,we register for our degree program. Of course,I make new friends within this two semesters here. Glad that people here are very friendly and I love each and everyone of my friend here. My classmates and also my housemates. They are all lovely.:) 

So, I hope for coming three years I will make many more friends and have a great time with them too.
Friends is your family during your study years. If you are saying that you don't need friend in your life as a student,I bet there must be something VERY WRONG with you. Therefore,if you feel so please go and check yourself with a doctor :P Haha 

Because for me,Friend Is My Second Family.Without them, I am nothing here.
To all my friends;
I love all of you,
Thanks because you become part of my life,
And you make it even more beautiful,
Thank you for accepting all my flaws,
And appreciating all my goods,
Forgive me if I am wrong,
And lead me back if I am lost.

Carol :')

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My One Week Home

Hye Hye Hye! Haha.Nampak sangat teruja bila bercakap pasal cuti.Okay,cuti adalah masa yang diberikan oleh kerajaan kepada rakyatnya untuk merehatkan diri dari kerja,study etc. Wah,siap bagi definition lagi kan? Haha. Hmm,kalau dgr je word CUTI nie,mesti terbayang pegi vacation dgn family ke,buah hati ke,kwn2 ke tapi my holiday kali nie not a vacation type laa.I am just staying at home and helping my mom.*eksen je tu ye* Haha. Walaupun cuti mid sem lepas tu sgt pendek sebenarnya tapi saya punya cuti kali ini manyak sibuk ooo.Nak tau kenape???Sebab saya telah meluangkan masa cuti kali ini dengan perkara2 yang amat berfaedah berbanding hanya MAKAN dan TIDUR sahaja pada cuti2 yang lepas2. Balik cuti on 5th April.Second day kat rumah,I join Kapit Safari event.Banyak nak cerita pasal event nie.Kapit Safari diadakan once in a year dimana masa nie la org2 Kapit akan mempersembahkan kehebatan mereka di dalam kraftangan,masakan,berakit dan racing speed boat.Betul ke saya sebut racing speed boat tu?HAHA.Lantakla kan.:p So,saya nie menjdai bidang terjun menyertai pertandingan menghias kek dan jugak jadi partner jiran sebelah rumah menghias masakan.Heeeee :D Bunyi mcm hebat kan?Haha. Taklah hebat sangat pon sebenonya.Pengalaman tu memang sgt bestla dapat join aktiviti mcm nie.So,hati dah nekad,next year MESTI join lagi. Kat bawah ni nak share sikit gambar2 yg diambik haritu.Anggaplah saya mempromote my sweet little hometown,KAPIT ^_^
Me smiling :)

We got Saguhati :D

Cake WE made ^_^

Nie yg kek JOHAN ;p haha

Manik manik :)

Pua Kumbu (n_n)

Ha,unik2 kan semua2 yg kat atas tu,hehe.Kalau nak tengok dengan REAL dan belaja buat sendiri ke,COME TO KAPIT :) Small and lovely town it is ^_^ Till then, XOXO ;)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Woo woo,kenape boleh masuk tajuk paranormal hari ni?And pagi2 lagi saya dah duduk menghadap lappy utk mengupdate blog.So not my style.Okla,mari kita sama2 renungkan apa yg terjadi antara saya dan housemate malam tadi.Kita tidur luar-ruang tamu apartmen.Biasala kan,angkut tilam tidur sama2 di luar dan meninggalkan katil adalah perkara biasa korang akan buat kalau korang penah dok asrama.Nak dipendekkan cerita,saya tidur lebih awal dari si housemate,W.Before tu kita sama2 tengok movie.I mean,die tgk movie die and saya tgk movie saya.Then,when the clock strikes 1,saya ambil keputusan utk tidur je sbb mmg dh ngantuk sgt masa tu.So,tngallah W nie tgk movie sesorang.Then,dia pun stay awake till 2++ am.Lepas tu,dia pun tidur gak and we sleep lena la smpai la saya digoyang2 dgn kuat oleh W.Saya bgn dgn terkjut dan dri muka dan cara W bercakap dgn saya,i can guess what's going on correctly in the spot.Saya tahu bnda menyeramkan ada berdekatan kami and saya keep on forcing myself to sleep again but it's very hard.W pun pluk saya and kami sama2 diam.Saya memang sgt2 takut masa tu sbb manela tau kan tetba terasa org pgg kaki.Eeeee,i just can't imagine it if it is happening.Seram.Lepas tu,saya pun trus menggapai encik teddy saya and tutup tlinga dan mata saya yg asyik nak terbuka je.Then,i pray pray and pray.Doa saya mmg campur aduk je.Entahkan minta Tuhan tolong ke minta Tuhan ampunkan segala dosa2 la and mcm lagi yg saya mampu ucapkan.Masa berlalu and saya mmg berharap pagi cepat2 menjelma sbb saya curious what is that she saw or hear that night?Is it a girl?With a long hair?With a scary voice?Or how?Then,bgn2 je pagi td kan,saya blum smpt nak buka mulut bertnya,W dh tnya awal2 yg saya ingt x apa yg jd mlm td.Gosh,rupanya mmg kenyataan dan bukan mimpi because both of us can remember what happen last night.Tapi,saya bernasib baikla hanya terkejut dbgnkan tiba2 je.W cerita la mlm tdi dia dh tidur senanya tp tba2 dia terbangun jam 3 tu and dgr suara org bercakap dgn dia.And suara tu bukanlah scary voice atau pun suara perempuan yg rmbt panjg sya bygkan masa sya xdpt smbg tidur tu.That guy with a flat voice.No pitching or whatsoever.Sygnya W mmg dh xingat apa yg dia ckpkan.Hmmm.Mungkin sbb tu suara lelaki so we both still can laugh while talking about it.Haha.Okay,guess we will never sleep there again because of that guy's voice.:p

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mid Semester Break

Well well well,time flies very fast right??Without we noticing it,now it's already April of 2012.Exams come and gone just like that.Memories with friends keep on creating new pages.Relationship with loved one have its own ups and downs.But,don't worry much because God always have His best agendas for our live :) Okay,back to mid semester break,guess I can't enjoyed much because of assignments,coming exams and so on but I am very happy to going back home tomorrow night.^_^ My mum seems more excited than me knowing the fact that tomorrow her princess will be going home.HAHAHA.I hope this holiday I will use every single second wisely to have fun with family and in the mean time revising for my exams after the holiday.No stress,just SMILE (: If we set our mind that exams are burden to us especially to revise during holiday then everything just going worst later so keep on fighting and smiling ;) O yeahh, after this break,I have 4 more papers-Engineering Programming,Engineering Survey,Strength of Material and Ethnics Relationship.HAHA I translated it directly from their Malay words :p Well,I do have many plans inside my mind for this short-one-week-break.So,come and look at them.^_^
 Carol's plan for mid-sem holiday.

  • Collecting papers for next two slots of Sakura Go Green
  • Buying foods for my housemates
  • Revising revising revising
  • "Steal" big bro's jersey again HAHA
  • Playing with my nephew till I get bored of it :p
  • Helping mum in her garden so I can lose some fat there hehe ;p
  • No movie pleaseeeee !!! 
Is it enough for me to do all of it in ONE WEEK??hmmm..one week is a short time.Hope everything is going as I plan ;) 

Guess I have to wait till holiday for me to watch GG again but it's okay.I will have that time to enjoy GG later. ^_^
Till then,xoxo. Have a nice semester break to all my Unimas and other IPTA's friends