Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, April 30, 2012

P.E.A.C.E ? ? ?

I need peace in ME.
Peace is going too far and leaving me behind lately.
Mr & Mrs Peace, please come back to me so I can do my works and live my life better.
You two are my long lost BFF.
I admit without two of you, I can't going anywhere :(
I am here,stuck with my problems,with my angers,with my childishness,with no maturity......
I can't move on and find a solution to all of things that come because you two are not here with me,anymore.. :(
Too many things bother me,not just people but also other issues.
I just want to settle them all and move on but I can't if I have no PEACE inside me.
That might lead me to do wrong solution for each and every single actions that I took in the future.
How can I get you back?
Yes,I will.
But,sometimes,as human, I always forgot to pray everyday.
I pray when I needed something from HIM.
That's my weakness as human being.
I have to fix everything before it's too late.
I will not change who I am.
Because I love who I am and the way I live my life.
It's just that I am walking in a wrong path so now all I have to do is fixing them so I can get back on track again.
I really need peace because after all the problems with people and works,it will all affecting my study progress.
I am here not to please people everyday and do others unnecessary works but to STUDY and GAIN KNOWLEDGE so one day I'll bring back a degree and makes my family and myself happy. :)
And now, I seek hard to find peace so no one hurts with my actions and I am happy with all works I do.

Carol :*

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