Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, February 27, 2015


Bestfriends? Bestfriend? BFF?

Go,be a friend and cheers them up while u still can! Do it today bcs tomorrow we might not have the chance anymore.... =)

I believe all of us have one.
As for me I got few of them too...
But why CIRCLE?
Yes, CIRCLE is what I want to bla bla bla about today. Heheh

That's my age now. (Quite old huh?)
For 23 years, there's only about 19 years of life that I freshly remembered until now.
19 years ago I am in kindergarten. Going to school with joy because I got to see my friendsssss.

Then, I am growing like other girls. Having F-Drama with my friends, Fighting,ignoring each other, getting back together again,going our way bcs of our dream and Idk maybe reunited again w each other in near future (?)
Nobody knows what's gonna happen. But for sure I learned soooo many things about growing up.
One of it is MY CIRCLE.
What I'm trying to say here is that the circle of people around me. As I get older I come to realized that my circle is getting smaller.

I wonder why...... Did you experience the same thing as me? I am quite good at meeting new people but not if it comes to befriended them.
I seriously have doubt why.. maybe I am too comfortable w old friends that I don't bother to make new one? Idk....


Tuesday, February 24, 2015


noun: dilemma; plural noun: dilemmas
  1. a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially ones that are equally undesirable.
    "he wants to make money, but he also disapproves of it: Den's dilemma in a nutshell"
    synonyms:quandary, predicament, difficulty, problem, puzzle, conundrum, awkward situation, tricky situation, difficult situation, difficult choice, catch-22, vicious circle, plight, mess, muddle; More
    informalno-win situation, sticky situation, pickle, fix, spot, tight spot, tight corner, poser, facer;
    informalsticky wicket
    "a discussion with a colleague resolved her dilemma"
    • a difficult situation or problem.
      "the insoluble dilemma of adolescence"
      synonyms:quandary, predicament, difficulty, problem, puzzle, conundrum, awkward situation, tricky situation, difficult situation, difficult choice, catch-22, vicious circle, plight, mess, muddle; More
      informalno-win situation, sticky situation, pickle, fix, spot, tight spot, tight corner, poser, facer;
      informalsticky wicket
      "a discussion with a colleague resolved her dilemma"
    • Logic
      an argument forcing an opponent to choose either of two unfavourable alternatives.
       So now my dear, have you ever been in dilemma? 

       Just so you know, I am now in huge DILEMMA everyday in my life. 

       There's so many things that I want to reject but I can't because of some people that I loved. 

      Hoping that one day they knew I am doing these for them.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

2 0 1 5

I am blessed with a happy January and yes fabulous February of 2015.
Life has been so much better and I am drowning in so much love for the past days of 2015.

Holiday was awesome. I laughed I cried and I am becoming more matured in everything.
Plus last semester result was good so I leave home last few days with smiles on Mom and Dad faces.

Dear God, I am so thankful for everything and I will always try my best to be better than what I used to be.

May 2015 brings us happiness and joy.

Spread love today. Care about people around you. Be good and most importantly be wise in any situation you are going through.

Since now I am 23 so I guess I have to be 23x more wiser than I used to be.
Y' know people said " A year older a year wiser"
